The MotoringFile Long Term Tester: JCW Roadster

Before we begin, let’s get a few things out of the way.

  1. I haven’t driven an S in quite some time. I have never driven a JCW.
  2. This car is dead sexy

New Jersey to LA, the long way. About 4500 miles depending on who’s counting. It was a great way to end the MotoringFile relationship with the Countryman and begin with something new; the JCW Roadster. Top down, top up, highway, twisties and everything in between. Not going to lie, that car was a blast to drive.

Continue reading “The MotoringFile Long Term Tester: JCW Roadster”

Mobile Gadget Review #5

WRR Mobile Gadget Review with Michael Babishkin reviewing the Treo 750. Running time 24:32

treo750.jpg This time, it Michael Babishkin from the Mail Buoy Podcast and myself reviewing the Palm Treo 750. The phone Michael reviewed was a for Cingular only.

You can read more about this phone at the Palm site, as well as at

Of course, any further questions about this phone for Michael can be left in the comment section below. Both myself and Michael will be keeping an eye on it.

Thanks again to Michael for helping us out this time! Don’t forget, you can catch both he and his lovely wife Patricia (not Pat…trust me on this one) at their cruise site,, where the post the latest cruise news and even have a podcast where they cover some great stuff about cruising in general. Oh yea, they book cruises too, so keep them in mind if that’s what you are planning on doing any time soon.

Gadget #5:

Download | Subscribe | 24:32 | 11.3MB

Owners thoughts on the R56

Todd interviews current MINI owners about the R56. Running time 14:37

toddmic.jpgTodd “Mr.-Man-On-The-Street” Pearson took his mic and recording gear to Baron MINI’s recent James-Bond-Themed R56 release party to get some input from MINI owners about the new MINI.

If you are going to AMVIV, watch for this sight, and possibly, the WRR/Motoringfile flagged microphone to show up!

Todd with MINI owners on the R56:

Download | 14:37 | 13.4MB

MF Audio Review – MCS Automatic

Motoringfile audio review of the MINI Co0per S Automatic

Gabe gives his take on the automatic version of the MINI Cooper S.

“As a follow-up to the recent MotoringFile VW GTI review (and previous MCSa review) I thought I’d offer up my thoughts on the automatic Cooper S while behind the wheel. In some ways demonstrating why the GTI’s DSG is so superior as well as showing why the automatic may not be the best choice for the MINI owning control freaks out there.”

Gabe and Todd shared the hard part Download || Article and Comments|| 6:42 || 5.8MB