Changes and Updates


Wanting to start the new year off right, I have made a few changes to the site that I wanted to let all y’all know about.

To begin with, you will notice that we are much more mobile friendly now. Not just mobile, but also tablets. And this support includes the ability to stream the show directly from the site (not tested in mobile Firefox, but the default Android and iOS browsers work).

To be more consistent with the ‘File sites (MotoringFile, BimmerFile and ScooterFile), White Roof Radio now uses the Disqus commenting system. Easier for you to keep track of those comments and conversations you are in with a single login for all 4 sites. Speaking of the ‘File sites, you will find the latest posts from each of them at the bottom of every page, in case you needed to get caught up (coming soon to mobile!).

There will be minor tweaks to follow to fix any bugs that crop up. If you find any issues, please sound off in the comments below!

MINI United Officially Announced!

For those of you that missed it over at MotoringFile, it’s official! MINI United is on for May 11-13, 2012! Click over for the full press release and details that we have right now.

We’ve mentioned this on the show already, but 2012 is shaping up to be a pretty busy year in the MINI Community, and White Roof Radio is going to be there every step of the way! You will be seeing us at Dealer Grand Openings, The Dragon, AMVIV 9 and, with any luck, MINI United. Finally, MTTS has been confirmed for next summer and you know we’ll be all over that, right?

Who’s excited?

White Roof Radio LIVE

It’s been far too long since we all got together. Wait a tic, adding Nathaniel to the mix means we never have. That means a party is definitely in order!

Join us Saturday, October 22nd, 2011 at Detroit Tuned for White Roof Radio Live! Gabe, Todd, db, Chad, and Nathaniel will be gathering to record Woofcast 400 and wanted to invite you along for the show. There will be food, drink and some sweet MINIs including the MF Countryman and Gabe’s new BMW. Plus, there are rumors of a Coupe or two — one of them getting some killer stripes from Todd!

Not enough for you? How about a caravan to Detroit Tuned from Chicago on Saturday, with a possible stop at Bell’s Brewery? Done and done.

It’s not often that we get a chance to get together, but it’s always a fantastic party when it does. Those of you that have been to AMVIV, MTTS or MINI United know what we mean.

Full details, including a great deal on a hotel room that is walking distance from Detroit Tuned can be found here. We also have an event page on Facebook and think it would be keen if you could RSVP if you plan on going, or not.

We can’t wait! Can you?

Listen to White Roof Radio

For you MINI Connected users, we are still working on a way to stream the show just for you. Your patience is greatly appreciated! Until that happens, we have been expanding the ways you can get The World Famous White Roof Radio!

As part of getting into MINI Connected, you can find us on Tune-in Radio. There are versions for just about every mobile device you can imagine and it updates almost as quickly as iTunes. As of today, you can also find us on Stitcher. Available for Android, iOS and Blackberry.

Both of these are free apps and provide a great way to get podcasts without having to use iTunes! Of course we are still working toward streaming the show and currently do not have a hard date we can provide at this time. For now, either of these apps should serve you well.

White Roof Radio Update

title=”Roxy vs. The Countryman by dbwilldo, on Flickr”>Roxy vs. The Countryman

It would seem that we have forgotten to do a show. Actually, not so much. You see, I have been busy relocating WRR HQ West to Arizona (and rolling over 240,000 miles on my MINI) and Todd has had a few things come up of a personal nature that have also required his direct and immediate attention.

Not to fear dear listeners! Todd is heading to Mickey & MINI 6 this week and we’ll be doing a show, plus getting some great interviews from Todd as he hangs out with Florida MINI enthusiasts!

Coming up in future shows you can look forward to quite a bit of scooter talk, more on the R60 and more on the latest news from, like we like to do.

In the meantime, might I recommend Woofcast 307? It was recorded September last year with lots of talk about the upcoming MINI Coupe and Speedster. I think you might enjoy it.

Find Us

rel=”lightbox” title=”A sample of what you find on the WRR FB Fanpage”>WRR @ Forza3

In an effort to make it as easy as possible for all y’all to stay up with all that happens ’round these parts, we’ve been working fairly hard and setting things up to do exactly that.

If you are on Facebook (and, really, who isn’t), you can keep up with the latest news from here, White Roof Radio here, Motoring Badges here and BimmerFile here. Fan those pages to keep up on the latest and greatest news, podcasts and other information as it happens!

Are you on Twitter? We have you covered there too!


If you are going to be attending any event that we are covering, these definitely should be on your follow list, especially during MTTS. Hit up the @AskChad on Twitter to send over a question. Follow MotoringBadges on Facebook to see the latest designs as they happen or discuss the latest stories from MotoringFile (BimmerFile too) right in your news feed!

If you are using a mobile device (iPhone, Android) take a minute to click over to I’ve been working to make it a better experience for you guys. And, for reals, the site redo will be happening after the Dragon and will also be getting a similiar treatment.

Of course, feedback and questions are welcome! Comments are open, go nuts.

Extra Extra, Read all about it!


To help celebrate 4 years of the Woofcast, SCMM, one of the largest MINI Cooper Clubs in the nation, has published an article about us in their latest newsletter.

If you are in Southern California, this is the only club to join. Great events, great people and always a good time. I should know, I’m member number one!

Check it out, on page 3, here (pdf download)