Wanting to start the new year off right, I have made a few changes to the site that I wanted to let all y’all know about.
To begin with, you will notice that we are much more mobile friendly now. Not just mobile, but also tablets. And this support includes the ability to stream the show directly from the site (not tested in mobile Firefox, but the default Android and iOS browsers work).
To be more consistent with the ‘File sites (MotoringFile, BimmerFile and ScooterFile), White Roof Radio now uses the Disqus commenting system. Easier for you to keep track of those comments and conversations you are in with a single login for all 4 sites. Speaking of the ‘File sites, you will find the latest posts from each of them at the bottom of every page, in case you needed to get caught up (coming soon to mobile!).
There will be minor tweaks to follow to fix any bugs that crop up. If you find any issues, please sound off in the comments below!