6 replies on “New search”

  1. That sounds pretty damn cool. How’s it work? How does it index the various and sundry sounds you and Todd produce throughout the course of a show? Will I be able to find the shows where Gabe’s neighbor’s dog is barking? 😉

  2. you have to go back to the home page to the see the box. I have not put it on the pages yet.

    You can do a word search and it’s pretty good. Keep the terms normal (intake, pulley, Phil Wicks) and you’ll get some great results. Look for something like xB or Toyota and you’ll get nothing. Good thing too since this is a MINI Cooper podcast 🙂 It’s actually indexed by Podzinger and they have only done the first few episodes.

    I did a search for woof and got no results, so my guess it won’t get the odd noises either, unless you can spell them 😉

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