Starting off with our rememberance of Mr. Paddy Hopkirk. He was a great human that we were all lucky enough to meet and interview. We are still looking for the interview we did we him, but fear it might have been lost to the great server outage of aught nine.
Gabe catches us up on #mtts2022 and thank you to those of you that asked about Todd and I. We really appreciate that. Then, we have a little something to say about the MINI Aceman concept.
Don’t forget Black Roof Radio, the pre show for each episode, available to you 100% free of charge!
That’s right. They attached a giant wing to a JCW GP to take it to the ‘ring. Plus some #mtts2022 updates and a bit more on supply chain issues.
I am still struggling to get caught up and hope to have the site up-to-date this week or early next. For those of you that keep with us, thank you! For those of you wondering where to get Black Roof Radio, you can download it for free at!
If you are still looking for the coolest #mtts2022 decals for your MINI before the big event, make sure to head over to for all of that and more.
I’m joined by Todd & Gabe and we spend dang near the entire episode talking about all the cool stuff that we have seen surrounding this car we all know and love so well. This was fun to record and we hope you enjoy listening!
Side note, click over to and listen to the latest extra episode, again, free of charge if you so desire. After you listen, you will understand why I’m a little behind in getting the site updates, among other things. I hope to get a bunch of that done early next week!
I met up with listener Niall Simpson to talk about Minis, MINIs and EVs, especially those that are MINI! Oh, and Nissan’s too. Hopefully you guys appreciate the insight into EV ownership that Niall shares with us!
Are you looking for #mtts2022 badges and decals? You know Todd as you covered! Click over to MotoringStripes ( to get the goods! Looking for the next Mod for your MINI, plus anything else you need? Detroit Tuned ( has you covered!
In case you missed it, Black Roof Radio is now something you can get 100% free of charge! Just click over to to find it. I don’t have a feed for it yet, but am working on that. For those that want to us keep us listener supported, you can do that there. Totally not necessary!
Also from the in-case-you-missed-it files, MINI has a new head of the brand, Stefanie Wurst. As Gabe said, she has an impressive CV. Click over for the official release.
A few other things we mentioned were the Screaming Chicken, which I think would be rad on the bonnet of the Clubman Untold. There is also the madness that is the , in case you missed that. And, yes, the Hoonigan crew put a into a 3rd Gen Camaro.
Welcome to White Roof Radio for 2022. Thanks to you, the fine and good looking White Roof Radio listener, we are now listener supported! Not only that, but everyone can now get Black Roof Radio. For Free! Follow the link to download the latest episodes. If you would like to help keep us listener supported, you can donate on that site. We appreciate your continued support!
MTTS2022 updates that we all know you guys have been jonesin’ for and a lot of talk about community and enthusiasm. If you haven’t done a MINI event in a while, you should. It is really coming back in a very big way! We also get an update from Todd about his JCW Countryman. Look around and you can find the photo of Todd’s new F60 in the garage with his R59. It’s cool!
And, yes, White Roof Radio is now listener supported! Not only that, but EVERYONE now has access to Black Roof Radio! All of this happens at Click over to download the latest episode of Black Roof, 100% free of charge. If you want to help support us, you can do that at the same time, on the same site!