In an effort to make it as easy as possible for all y’all to stay up with all that happens ’round these parts, we’ve been working fairly hard and setting things up to do exactly that.
If you are on Facebook (and, really, who isn’t), you can keep up with the latest news from MotoringFile.com here, White Roof Radio here, Motoring Badges here and BimmerFile here. Fan those pages to keep up on the latest and greatest news, podcasts and other information as it happens!
Are you on Twitter? We have you covered there too!
If you are going to be attending any event that we are covering, these definitely should be on your follow list, especially during MTTS. Hit up the @AskChad on Twitter to send over a question. Follow MotoringBadges on Facebook to see the latest designs as they happen or discuss the latest stories from MotoringFile (BimmerFile too) right in your news feed!
If you are using a mobile device (iPhone, Android) take a minute to click over to Whiteroofradio.com. I’ve been working to make it a better experience for you guys. And, for reals, the Motoringbadges.com site redo will be happening after the Dragon and will also be getting a similiar treatment.
Of course, feedback and questions are welcome! Comments are open, go nuts.