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rel=”lightbox” title=”A sample of what you find on the WRR FB Fanpage”>WRR @ Forza3

In an effort to make it as easy as possible for all y’all to stay up with all that happens ’round these parts, we’ve been working fairly hard and setting things up to do exactly that.

If you are on Facebook (and, really, who isn’t), you can keep up with the latest news from here, White Roof Radio here, Motoring Badges here and BimmerFile here. Fan those pages to keep up on the latest and greatest news, podcasts and other information as it happens!

Are you on Twitter? We have you covered there too!


If you are going to be attending any event that we are covering, these definitely should be on your follow list, especially during MTTS. Hit up the @AskChad on Twitter to send over a question. Follow MotoringBadges on Facebook to see the latest designs as they happen or discuss the latest stories from MotoringFile (BimmerFile too) right in your news feed!

If you are using a mobile device (iPhone, Android) take a minute to click over to I’ve been working to make it a better experience for you guys. And, for reals, the site redo will be happening after the Dragon and will also be getting a similiar treatment.

Of course, feedback and questions are welcome! Comments are open, go nuts.

Woofcast #303


I’m not sure about you out there in the listening audience, but I think we’ve been stringing together some great shows lately, this one is no exception.

Of course we do news from MotoringFile. Some great discussions about the upcoming coupe and R60 and just MINI stuff in general.

Tonight is also the world premier of our brand new segment called Ask Chad. That’s right, our own Chad Miller from Detroit Tuned is now taking questions about modding, repairs or anything else you can think of, and answering them during the show. We start with three great questions tonight, followed by 3 great answers. One of the answers included the Sprint Booster. You can find more information about it here.

We also decided to barge in on our sister station over at the Bimmercast. Gabe and Michael talked MINIs and F1 with us for a few minutes before we caught the internet on fire. If you missed it, the Bimmercast has a new iTunes link. Subscribe here.

Also new this week are brand new designs at including the 300 to 300k badges we talked about and all the hot new badges for the ladies!

Finally, want Chad to answer your question? Send it over to or phone it in the voicemail line.

Woofcast 302:

Download | WRR @ iTunes | 27.3MB | 59:35

We are a little behind


It’s been crazy busy under the White Roof lately. Both Todd and myself have been working on getting ready for MINI United and staying busy otherwise. And, due to circumstances beyond our control, we weren’t able to record a show last week.

Not to worry, because we were able to get Gabe last night for a rousing version of the news, as always, from Todd says he’ll be getting that ready to post as soon as possible, and I will be posting that here.

With MINI United coming up in just a few weeks, the WRR schedule _might be a little out of whack for the next few weeks. Don’t worry, we are going to be recording shows right up until MINI United, but the release day might be a little off.

I will have a MINI United update coming very very soon. If you are going, sound off in the comments!

And yes, I was just looking for an excuse to post a photo of the Life Ball MINI. C’mon, you know you like it!

Woofcast #289

rel=”lightbox” title=”R55 JCW with JCW Aero-kit”>

Quite a bit of chatter about my new camera, affair-proofing a MINI, Molly Wood, the weather in Kansas City, Todd sells 2 MINIs and Fireball Tim is selling his.

Then, on to news of the week from Motoringfile, including more making fun of the Clubman Spoiler.

Before we get into the content portion of the show, Robert in Toronto checks in. You can search for his AMVIV videos over at YouTube or check him out at his other podcast at It’s great fun!

Gabe checks in via satellite phone from an undisclosed location and he talks a little about the 135i he drove last week then Todd and Gabe spend pretty much the rest of the show waxing poetic about all things JCW and then on to talking about cars built in America. No, really.

Don’t forget, AMVIV is coming up at the end of the month and we have some cool stuff planned for those of you that aren’t going to make it. I’ve updated and warmed up and will be partnering with WRR listener and show producer Sherwin Smith from BehindTheVroom for any video we do. So, get over there and get subscribed!

Finally, if you are going to AMVIV and want Todd to install graphics on your MINI, you should contact him very soon.

Woofcast :

Download | 21.2MB | 46:11 | WRR @ iTunes