Woofcast #362


Weather? On a MINI Cooper podcast? Well, yea. Welcome to White Roof Radio.

Todd, Nathaniel and I talkin’ MINI stuff for you this week. Tons of news from Motoringfile.com, making up for lost time over the Christmas holiday. Things like the Paceman, MINI Connected (go on, read the EULA. We dare you) and some event updates. Not to mention a brand new Outmotoring discount code for January and I declare MINI of Ontario bootgate capital of Southern California.

Speaking of events, kicking everything off with Motoringfile and White Roof Radio heading to D-Town for the North American International Auto Show to talk to people and take pictures of cool MINI stuff and have an excuse to wear a blazer.

Download | WRR @ iTunes | 26.6MB | 58:03

6 thoughts on “Woofcast #362”

  1. Good show guys. DB you could throw a full time 4×4 with lift kit under Roxy, don’t think that will lead to brand downfall. Actually some of the best Mini/MINI that I’ve ever seen have been those that are anything other than factory fresh. I would actually make that the highlight of the Mini/MINI community.

    Still love how “hater” gets trotted out nearly every time. 😉

    1. Thanks for stopping by John!

      I think full time fwd might be a bit much, but the thought of a lift kit and some off-road wheels/tires really intrigues me. Probably leftover from when I was a kid and used to dream of the day when I could drive a fully kitted out VW Baja Beetle.

  2. Regarding the conversation on oil changes, the socket size for the 1st Gen MINI oil filter canister is 36mm, and they’re quite inexpensive. Amazon has a few choices for $10 (free shipping on $25 order):


    Make sure you get a low-profile socket, wherever you buy it.

    DB’s right about the breaker bar; getting that canister turning is tough, but a section of pipe will also work in a pinch.

    Like DB said, changing the oil is potentially messy. I use a few sheets of cardboard to catch any of my errors in judgement, but still have a bad habit of making a sizable mess.

    Webb’s (good friend of WRR) instructional is fantastic:


  3. Hey guys, great show as always.

    For anyone who wants the heat shield for the hood scoop that’s mentioned in this episode, MINI calls is a “Thermal Insulator” and the part number is 51 48 2 183 986. It really is less than a five minute install job, and I could feel the difference with my hand on the scoop.

    DB – Easy way for remembering stalactite vs. stalagmite: A stalactite holds on tight to the ceiling, while a stalagmite might reach the ceiling someday.

    Are you really gonna call it a “Packyman”?

  4. Just listened to the show…Another great one,speaking of oil coolers, I bought a used Mini ATF cooler and will mount it in the original location as the in automatic (just above the a/c condenser), I am using a Revolution oil filter adapter,AN fittings and braided stainless hoses, I’ll also be using a 110C thermostat, I havent figured the routing and I need to find someone to TIG new fittings to the oil cooler sinse the ATF fittings seem too small. I would appreciate Chad’s $.02

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