Woofcast #14

Some changes to improve the sound. Gabe will sound better next week (we sent him a new microphone). On a side note, we did manage to get quite a bit of possible out-take reel material off of this episode. It wasn’t pretty. Hence the late post.

Anyway, on to the notes…

-Price of gas doubled?
-Interview with Fireball Tim Lawrence
-Paris Hilton has a purple garage door
-George C. Scott looking at Tuna
-Tim explains VHP
-M600 will be powered by rodents
-It was a pretty bad storm
-Lots of MINI motorsports news
-GM owns MINI? No, we haven’t gotten our checks yet.
-I’m linking, but please, be nice 🙂 Click here and listen about 1/2 way through.

Todd did the hard part
Download || Download zip || 44:21 || 20.3MB

21 replies on “Woofcast #14”

  1. GM owns MINI?!? Does the woman do any fact checking before airing?

    As always, great shows, I cannot wait until Monday mornings when I can listen to Whiteroof on the way to work.

  2. Thanks for another great woofcast! I love the show.

    One note – could you guys boost Gabe’s audio quality? Sometimes he is hard to understand. Needs more high end. And during this last cast I was hearing a computer alert noise alot.

    Keep up the great work. I also can’t wait for Monday mornings. Monday is my day off and I always start the day with a cup of coffee and White Roof Radio!

  3. One note – could you guys boost Gabe’s audio quality? Sometimes he is hard to understand. Needs more high end. And during this last cast I was hearing a computer alert noise alot.

    Listen up for #15. We have a new Mic en route to Gabe and he should definitely have it by then!

  4. I would send a nice friendly email over to the person for that other podcast with some information about the show and about MINI. I would, but it would be better coming from you guys.

  5. Might I suggest turning off the sounds from your IM client? I was listening to the episode and kept hearing this little ding noise and was wondering WTH is was. Then I heard some typing followed by the ding and it clicked.

  6. I’m not sure where you got that information from regarding gasoline prices doubling, but I can tell you that it did NOT happen.

  7. I’ve listened to every Woofcast to date, and I’m lovin’ it! However, I must second the comment about the typing and computer “beep” – really distracting and annoying. Keep up the good work, guys.

  8. Ok – I apologize for the IM beeps. Here’s the whole story – Db, Gabe and myself use instant messaging with each other while we’re recording the show especially when we’re interviewing someone so that we’re sure to ask all our questions and so that we stay on track and stay on time. This past week, I installed a new recording set-up that records all system audio. The old set-up used to only record the conference call audio and would not pick-up any other system beeps etc. Yes, I learned a lesson the hard way and all the extraneous system audio has been turned off on my end so you won’t be annoyed by it again. Oh, and we’ll try to type quieter too. : )

    In addition, Gabe’s audio should improve substantially next week. A new mic is en route to Chicago now.

    Finally, thank you all for the comments. We appreciate all the feedback and as we continue to grow and get better at this, we hope you enjoy coming back weekly for a listen.

    Thanks again and we are really looking forward to next week.

  9. I’m not sure where you got that information from regarding gasoline prices doubling, but I can tell you that it did NOT happen

    As it turns out, the gas doubling in her neighborhood did not happen, but she did, in fact, wait 1 hour for gas and she claims that there are other towns near her where gas is currently $2.25 or more per litre.

    About the beep…that was Todd and I staying on track. Unfortuneately the beeps were not heard while recording so we had no idea that they were going to be in the show. And, of course, they couldn’t be removed without taking a large chunk of the audio with.

    The problem has been corrected and will not happen again. Sorry for the annoyance.

  10. Thanks, guys, for being so responsive!

    And let’s not let it get lost in these comments that, even with the audio issues, #14 was an awesome show! I can’t wait to get more info on how that MINI dragster does…

  11. Tim: I’m not sure where you live, but I can assure YOU that gas prices DID in fact double in 3 towns near me.

    Db and Todd have a great chemistry and although I am new to the MINI world, I really enjoy the show. Looking forward to hearing Gabe’s new mic too.
    Keep it up guys. You rock!

  12. db- keep up the great work! I’ve listened to every podcast at least 3x over..keep it coming! The helpful mini tips are always appreciated!!

  13. Don’t mind me too much, I’m just a little picky about some things. Otherwise you guys are continuing to do some great shows.

  14. Forgive me to anyone I offended regarding gasoline prices and rumors of a huge price hike. In Ottawa, we did not experience any doubling of prices, yet people, based solely on rumors, were queuing up for long lines to the point of blocking parts of the road.

    Just a pet peeve of mine that some people react like that simply to rumors. I should have said that nothing like that happened in Ottawa and I didn’t hear about it happening anywhere else around here.

  15. It’s on the about page I think. I will make the appropriate adjustments tonight!

    update I just checked. Bottom of the FAQ page it does say that Todd created the soundtrack and his tool of choice was SoundTrack Pro

  16. Yea great Music,
    put some Black eyed peas background music from their song “don’t lie”, nice string guitar music,
    It sounds them same.
    When you hear it you will know.

  17. Any word on Fireball Tim’s drag MINI? I was listening to this woofcast today, and he had mentioned that the car would be unveiled 10/8/05, and would be at a SEMA event the next weekend. Thanks.

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