Woofcast #80

News of the week, new contest and catch up

Back from our break finally and spend most of the time catching up with news plus we have a new contest!

Outmotoring enjoyed the last contest so much, they have offered prizes for yet another. Here’s the prizes:

  • Outmotoring Arm rest
  • OM T-shirt, hat and a $25 gift certificate
  • OM Hat and MINI Valve stem caps
  • 3 Motoringfile Grille badges…your choice

Here’s the skinny. Gas prices are going crazy again so it’s time for a MPG contest! Looking for:

  • Highest MPG from an MC or MC One
  • Hightest MPG from an MCS
  • Highest MPG from a non-MINI
  • Highest MPG from a MINI One -D

Besides tracking your mpg (odometer start-odometer end/total gallons purchased…no OBC!) we gotta have some trash talk to the voicemail line at (206) 33-WHITE or send in an audio comment to feedback@whiteroofradio.com. Contest runs until August 31st. You can also see the rules here

Be sure to check back tomorrow for some cool pics plus an interview with WRR listener Nozz.

For those of you having a hard time getting zipped version of shows older than 59, they don’t exist any longer. If you ask really nice, I could totally hook you up 😉

Download || Subscribe || Zipped for safety || iTunes || 38:31 || 17.6MB

5 thoughts on “Woofcast #80”

  1. I’ll put up the full rules and leave them here…

    You need to record your beginning odometer reading, track all fuel purchased (gallons) and record your ending odometer readings. When you are done (recorded 2-4 tanks) you send those numbers to us.

    Along the way (and for a better chance with the judges) call the voicemail line (206-33-WHITE) and talk it up, WWF style. The more trash (clean) the better!

    You can also check this page for full rules.

  2. How in the world will you be able to verify this? Oh wait………I can get 70 mpg ! Honest I have proof…….wink,wink..nudge, nudge !

  3. we’ll figure it out if it comes to that.

    and I highly doubt you are getting 70mpg….unless you added a bunch of batteries or something 😉

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