Woofcast #155

Lets try this again…

Gabe’s back from the dragon, but he is without a staff this night.

We cover news of the week from Motoringfile after some listener feedback and a little bit of weather talk. Hey, Todd’s getting flooded, so it’s ok.

Check back tomorrow for Gabes thoughts on the R56 and the Dragon. He really enjoyed driving the R56. I mean, really. Check back tomorrow!

Woofcast #155:

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11 replies on “Woofcast #155”

  1. Still not heard back on how many rooms you guys want at Buckingham Palace. In the meantime, can I interest anyone on a sale-leaseback deal on London Bridge ?

  2. >Still not heard back on how many rooms you guys want at Buckingham Palace. In the meantime, can I interest anyone on a sale-leaseback deal on London Bridge ?

    Thanks for offer Jon, but I think we’ll manage. To late on the London bridge too. I took advantage of a smokin’ hot deal last week that also included the Brooklyn bridge. Thanks for the heads up 😉

  3. Well guys I just heard the show.
    I was the guy that left the NOte on GAbe’s door Step at the Dragon.
    Gabe I’m the guy that wanted the Key’s to the R56 and you told me it didn’t have keys. But at that point I forgot about the note.

    But yep that was me there with Steve Banks from the Rocket city Mini’s.

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