MINI United Officially Announced!

For those of you that missed it over at MotoringFile, it’s official! MINI United is on for May 11-13, 2012! Click over for the full press release and details that we have right now.

We’ve mentioned this on the show already, but 2012 is shaping up to be a pretty busy year in the MINI Community, and White Roof Radio is going to be there every step of the way! You will be seeing us at Dealer Grand Openings, The Dragon, AMVIV 9 and, with any luck, MINI United. Finally, MTTS has been confirmed for next summer and you know we’ll be all over that, right?

Who’s excited?

Woofcast #362


Weather? On a MINI Cooper podcast? Well, yea. Welcome to White Roof Radio.

Todd, Nathaniel and I talkin’ MINI stuff for you this week. Tons of news from, making up for lost time over the Christmas holiday. Things like the Paceman, MINI Connected (go on, read the EULA. We dare you) and some event updates. Not to mention a brand new Outmotoring discount code for January and I declare MINI of Ontario bootgate capital of Southern California.

Speaking of events, kicking everything off with Motoringfile and White Roof Radio heading to D-Town for the North American International Auto Show to talk to people and take pictures of cool MINI stuff and have an excuse to wear a blazer.

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Woofcast #333


Before typing anything else, I want all y’all to know the nightmare of an edit that Todd had for this particular episode. If you are wearing a hat, now would be a good time to tip it his direction.

I was also late, leaving the lads to cover news from and an interview Barry from MINIs on the Dragon. You did hear correctly, our man Todd will be going to MotD at the end of this month, and he will be driving one of two GPs that now reside in his garage.

Going to the Dragon? Make sure you are registered at and block off April 28th – May 2nd for it. We got all the latest information about the rock slide and the condition of the road. Huge thanks to Barry for taking time out of his schedule to give us the low down.

Finally, don’t forget about our newest sponsor, MINI of Loveland. They are the newest MINI Dealer in Colorado and just opened last week! Be sure to check them soon! And, keep the calendars open for the end of May when Todd and I will be heading up that way to spend the day. Full details to follow very soon.

Woofcast 333:

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